Client- Ty Nant Ltd
Ty Nant Ltd approached Dulas to undertake assessments and prepare an environmental report to support a planning application for a single 500kW wind turbine at the Ty Nant bottling plant near Bethania, Ceredigion.
Project Overview
Over recent years the company has seen substantial increases in energy costs which, combined with
the ever increasing demand by its customers for sustainable products, has led the company to put sustainability and carbon reduction at the forefront of its operations. This has led to the desire for securing a green supply of renewable energy at the site.
Over recent years, Ty Nant has continually improved its energy use and manufacturing processes, and has subsequently reduced energy use by over 30%. They have now reached a point where they are unable to further reduce their energy consumption, so they are instead considering producing their own on-site renewable energy.
Our Wind Development Services team initially carried out a feasibility study to ascertain whether the Ty Nant site was suitable to host a wind turbine. The results of this feasibility study were positive, and the team as then commissioned to carry out assessments and prepare an Environmental Report to accompany Ty Nant’s planning application to Ceredigion County Council.
The report documented the results of the assessments which had been undertaken including noise, cultural heritage, ecology, hydrology, landscape and visual, transport and construction.
This included an assessment of the construction stage, as well as the operational and decommissioning stages. The purpose of the report is to inform key decision makers, notably Ceredigion County Council, but also key consultees, such as CCW and Environment Agency Wales.